Saturday, May 14, 2011

Elephant Butte Lake State Park, Truth or Consequences and Rock Hound State Park.

After leaving Taos we were going to go to Jemez Springs but we thought since we were on our way to Truth or Consequences we'd skip Jemez Springs and make up some time. We drove through Sante Fe and Alburquerque and just kept driving. We aren't into cities and we didn't feel the need to stop. I am sure they have their own beauty but we'll have to discover it another trip. We ended up driving 542km's and made it to Elephant Butte Lake State Park near Truth or Consequences.

We took a drive around and found a couple spots but they were far away from the beach. We continued on to South Monticello Campground and arrived just as the sun was setting but we managed to get a beautiful spot right above the lake.

Site #30
In the morning we went into town to see about the hotsprings. Apparently there are no Free hotsprings in Truth or Consequences (I guess we didn't research that one properly). All of the springs have been scooped up by Spa's for their use. A couple Spa's have public use for a fee so we asked a couple locals if there were any trails to get to any more "natural" hot springs (no tubs of hot spring water) but they said no so we went to the Beach at the park. $10 each for an hour of soaktime wasn't worth it to us. Especially since we have "natural" hot springs near home we can get to for Free!

The lake was a bit windy and cold but the girls had fun.

Another Heart Rock

Then we packed up

and headed to Deming. We stopped at Walmart for a couple groceries (which by the way this Walmart ALLOWS overnight RV parking) and headed on to Rock Hound State Park.

We got a great spot with the playground behind us so the girls had a lot of fun here tonight and the sunset was amazing! We will stay here a few days, relax a bit and try our hand at finding geodes and gems, explore some other nearby parks and hopefully actually do laundry! (no laundry since Vegas...clothes are slim pickings around here)

I'll post an Elephant Butte Lake review right after this and leave the review for Rock Hound until we leave.


  1. beautiful shots today, Brooke!..
    have you ever thought of wearing your clothes inside out??..that would make them last longer..and you wouldn't have to do laundry yet!!

  2. Thank you! The sunlight last night was amazing!

    Ha Ha re the clothes...not sure if that would look more funny or just wearing them dirty :)
