Monday, May 30, 2011

A beach near the NOT so RV friendly Pensacola Beach and Apalachicola National Forest

We left Pensacola Walmart and headed to Pensacola beach only to be disappointed! Not in the beach...we never made it there. There are signs everywhere that state NO RV's or Buses...and not just to park at night...they aren't allowed at all, even at the visitors centre parking lot! So Pensacola beach is not very RV friendly. We did however drive a little further down the coast where we found a nice beach and enjoyed the afternoon.

Surfer girl Sierra waiting for the perfect wave to reach her up on the beach!

Aayla thinks she wants to 'surf' like Sierra but really she is too timid of the waves

Sierra takes a break from 'surfing' above and Below daddy tries to coax Aayla into the water

Hang on daddy don't let me go!

Here comes a big one

aayla laughing and signing for the waves to "stop"!!!

We then drove onto the Apalachicola National Forest

 in search of a place to camp for the night. Florida doesn't have many National Forests so we have to take advantage of them when we can :)

This forest is full of Pines and Palms.
You can boondock in this National Forest but we knew there was a place at Hickory landing (with fishing) for only $3 a night so we headed there first, then drove a bit further to Wright lake to see what the difference was for a $10 fee. (there are also a few sites here at Wright Lake with electricity for $15 per night) There was a lake but...

for $7 less and we liked the feel of Hickory Landing so we drove back there for the night.
Only 10 sites here and most are for smaller Rv's and tents, but we squished in and
 were the ONLY ones here tonight so we got to run the air conditioner a little later then 10:00.

 Leave it to my girls to find the bugs!

 Looking for fish with daddy

Having a blast throwing rocks to scare away the alligators!

Collecting pinecones on our way back to the campsite

For $3 a night here in Florida...we think we did well especially when we found a campsite in Destin on the beach which charged.....

wait are you sitting down???

$165.00 per night! camp beside the beach...I guess we will be seeing more Walmart parking lots then I said before...Thank you Walmart!


  1. Man, you guys are FLYING across the country! Too bad Pensacola isn't RV friendly, but it looks like you all healthily enjoyed yourselves nevertheless.

  2. does that $165 a night come with maid service?..and room service and a conceirge?..geesh! people actually pay that astronomical amount?
    thank you WALMART!..amen to that!!

  3. ourtakeonfreedom: yes we are flying :) We weren't impressed with Texas beaches and we really want some beach time so we booted it to Florida :) Love the beaches here but it's very expensive with little free camping or even cheap camping anywhere

    Sue and Doug: No maid service sorry...apparently people do pay it as the parks have people there and it supposidly is worse down in the Keys but we are skipping it down there this time around...tooooo expensive!
