Thursday, May 5, 2011

Beach fun and a little help from a fellow blogger

This morning we woke o a beautiful sunrise and played on the beach all morning,

The view of he beach from our panoramic windows :)

Ian making a few calls in our outdoor travelling phone booth

 packed up and sarted heading out ot Bryce canyon.

I just want to give a BIG SHOUT OUT to a fellow blogger we met as we were leaving Lone Rock Beach today. Mario of 4-modernnomads lent us a helping hand.

As you know we stayed on a beach last night, and beaches are sandy. (Yes Andy go ahead and start laughing). We pulled in last night with no problem and this am tried to leave with just a little bit of difficulty.

We headed out over he soft sand instead of the compact wet sand and within seconds we were stuck...

Wheels spinning, we are podering ideas on how to get out when all of a sudden Mario pulls up and offers a helping hand.

Doesn' look too bad, but it just spins and spins and spins

getting a little help from a fellow blogger

Yeah we are moving!

Mario pulling us out

 Afterwards we talked for a little bit. They are a full time family and have come from many places we are about to go.

Go check out their blog at 4-modernnomads and see what this wonderful family has been up to. Thanks again Mario...we really appreciate the help today.

Tonight we made it to another FREE campsite in Dixie national Forest and I ran over to Bryce Canyon for a few pictures at sunset while Ian watched the hockey game. I'll post those tomorrow with the pictures we take tomorrow on our way to National Arches :)

1 comment:

  1. glad you got 'pulled out'!..great view from the window though!..fantastic!!..nothing like the help for Ford from a Chevy!!
