Sunday, May 8, 2011

Arches National Park, and Moab

First thing this am I gave the girls a bucket of water to wash of their rocks they collected yesterday.

It wasn't long before the water turned to "Chocolate latte" but they had some messy fun!

After our time at Goblin Valley State Park we realized the girls needed some better hiking shoes/sandles. Sierra loves her flip flops but they aren't safe for exploring so we headed into Moab

and they each chose a new pair of shoes. Both of hese are good for hikes and are OK to get wet too.

modeling their new shoes
We searched around town trying to find a place tha we could go on a river raft tour with kids but apparently they have to be 40 lbs to go on the rafts and Aayla only weighs about 32 so no go for us. Daddy did book a rafting tour for tomorrow so we will stay an extra day here.
Then we were of to Arches National Park.
The fee here was $10 but it was covered by our America the Beautiful Pass. (we have more then paid for the $80 cost already and there are so many more place to go...a good buy for sure)

I snapped off a few pictures as we drove into Landscape Arch. I wanted to get the big hike ou of the way while the girls had energy :)

Then we were off...

Ian 4X4 with he stroller. The girls rode as far as they could

The girls rode in the sroller almost all he way to Landscape Arch and then hopped out to play in the sand.
Aayla can't get enough of the sand
We made it to Landscape Arch
And then climbed a little furher for a different view
Then we tried to hike further to Double O but the path got too steep and dangerous for the girls so we turned around

lots of Lizards

Another heart rock

Pine Tree Arch
Then we drove to the Windows area and only I got out to have a closer look

North Window

Crack above North Window
South Window
Turret Arch
The view from Turret to South Window
Boh North and South Windows
Tomorrow we are off to Canyonlands National Park, then to play at a local park, go swimming and climb up some sand dunes while daddy does his river raft.

1 comment:

  1. I never tire of looking at pictures of Arches National Park..looks like you got some great shots today!!!
