Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Alamo, Riverwalk and the San Antonio Children's Museum

Today we were up early to drop the truck off to finally have the air conditioning fixed!!! YEAH!!!!! We then headed into San Antonio and our first stop was The Alamo. It was a bit wet but that was a bit of relief from the heat here.

Singing in the rain...

 The girls were more interested in the giant Koi swimming in a canal at The Alamo.
We then headed over to the Riverwalk and had a little stroll along the river...

Which of course ended up in a 35 minute boat tour :) It was $8.95 for adults and $2 for children aged 1-5.

A view of a boat just like the one we were on

We saw some live entertainment near the Riverwalk Mall.

Our tour guide called this a Night Heron

The lock which closes off the city if flooding is expected

 For luch I was outvoted. We wanted to go to Rainforest Cafe as it is a family favourite when we decide to eat out, I wanted to eat outside in their very limited outdoor seating area, but the little ones LOVE eating inside so they won.

After lunch we were off to the San Antonio Children's Museum. We do not have any children's museums near us so it was a lot of fun for us.
The girl in the bubble

Leave it to Aayla to find a slide

I'm leaving on a jet plane...

Preparing for take off

Control tower...ha ha

Preparing for a feast

Sierra the paleontologist

Oh My Aayla is in heaven with her own
 little shopping cart to empty and
 fill until her little heart was content!

Lining up to pay and then start all over again!

Sierra tries to milk a cow

This ball zone was super cool...balls had to
placed in certain areas then they would be
sucked up to a scoop. When the scoop was full
 it would rain balls down on the kids and then they's
start it all over again, and over again, and over again....

Sierra LOVED this dumptruck thing.
She went on it about 20 times!

All and all we had a good day...until we called to see how the air conditioning was coming...

On the left the dealership guy telling us how much we owed them.....

On the right...both Ian and my expression when we heard how much we had to pay....

We are too mad to say any more!!!! However we were nice and cool driving home tonight!


  1. Yikes...expensive boat trip! We did San Antonio back in November of 2008...

  2. great way to spend a rainy day!!..too bad about the air-con repair!!
