Monday, April 25, 2011

We made it to Vegas

There is so much to see and do in Vegas that I know we haven't seen or done much of it at all.

Both Ian and I have never been to Vegas and we feel we should come back "kidless" or bring a sitter with us...hint hint,  to fully see Vegas as there is a lot you can't do with kids. I am still amazed every time we walk through a casino that it's OK for them to be in there so long as they don't loiter around or touch anything...which of course Sierra had to touch just once!!! The security guard yelled at her but that was it.

Ian actually won $400 after playing for the first time at the Casino tonight with Jay and spending only $35.00 of our own money but as he played some more he ended up leaving with $200. Still not bad for an evening of entertainment and FREE drinks while you gamble!

We did walk the strip,

The girls really wanted to go on the Gondolas but when we found out it was
$16 each and no discount for kids...we didn't. $64 for a 10-13 minute ride!
Can you say RIP off!!! And they were busy. People are crazy!!!


Sierra loved all the statues and wanted to have her picture taken beside MANY of them!

This was right beside the Circus Circus KOA we stayed at.

Street entertainment at it's best :) My little dancing queen.

ate at a family favourite the Rainforest Cafe,
played at Adventurdome,

enjoyed the pool,

Fremont St,

saw a mini free circus,
did a bit of shopping,
celebrated Easter


Poor Ian can't have Nerds anymore...if only they would make them sugar free!
It's amazing how much more sugar free stuff there is here in the States
but no nerds so far.
and toured Hoover Dam and Lake Mead area which I will save for their own post!

I am about Vegas'd out and am ready to move on to some more quite, calm, peaceful and more natural surroundings. Until my Hoover Dam post...enjoy these pics from our trip on the strip!

Warm welcome wishes to GARY & NANCY. Thanks for joining us on our journey!


  1. oh the memories of Vegas - looks like the girls are having fun in the "adult city" ... where are those golden figures? We didn't see those when we were there - are they part of the Secret Garden?
    Gondolas are a rip!! We wanted to do it too but not for that amount of $ for 10 minutes.
    Fremont street looks great - we missed that when we went.
    Enjoy the travels

  2. Those statues are right on the main strip. I can't remeber which hotel it was in front of sorry :( It's all a blur of lights and sounds :)
