Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Some humour for today :)

Yesterday we went to IKEA to get some bedrails for the bunk beds and while there I found the perfect little garbage can for the bathroom in the trailer. It will fit nicely in the corner.

It came complete with directions:
Put lid on bottom bin and you are finished.

That's pretty silly but not the funny part!

I couldn't help but share them as the two diagrams at the top are what made me laugh.

1) Confused?
2) Call IKEA and they will explain it!

Ha Ha I think they could have saved the trees on these directions! Hopefully they will make you smile too :)

WELCOME WISHES going out to Levonne of A Camphosts Meanderings: An RV Adventure. She has some amazing photography!!!


  1. gotta love Ikea!..looks like a great corner fitting garbage can..too bad they think we are all 'incompetent'!..although some of the stuff they sell..the directions leave a bit to be desired!!..have a great day!..

  2. Love the garbage can, looks perfect for an RV. Yup, gotta wonder about why they need the directions. Scares me a bit, if someone really needs them!

    Kevin and Ruth
