Saturday, March 5, 2011

Welcome and Thank you for following!

I have noticed on a few other blogs lately that they welcome new I was welcomed myself by the Bayfield Bunch. So simple yet so welcoming into a great RV community. If you haven't checked out their blog please do so. Their travels and stories are fun to read and the photos are amazing! His recent post on some wind caves in California makes me want to spend more time in Cali on this trip but alas we only have 4 1/2 months and we are going to run out of time before we even leave the driveway!

Back to the point...I am going to start welcoming new followers and what better time to start then right now when I only have 4!

So warm WELCOME wishes to:
Donna aka Froggi which I linked to her profile as she has a few different blogs :)
Randy and Pam of Roadrunner Chronicles
John and Ellen of Through Gates of Grace
and Blaine who has a few blogs found here.

Welcome to you all and thank you for taking an interest in my families plan to travel. I love reading so many different blogs and planning out our basic travel route and I am happy you have found us in this wonderful online community!

And now for a favour...does anyone know how I put a counter on my blog to see the number of page views without going into stats? Any help would be greatly appreciated ;)


  1. shows you some of their options. I use them on several of my sites and have since long before Blogger offered stats.

  2. What a great idea to welcome followers to your blog. I've never thought of that! Thank you for following mine and for your comment. Why won't the manatees be in FL in June?
    I use I've got their counter at the bottom of my blog, plus you can get many other interesting stats through them.

  3. Thank you both for offering stat counters. I did manage to find one before reading these so we will see how it goes.

    Re the manatees I have heard that they are only around during the winter and spring and we won't be there until June so it looks like we will miss them :(

  4. I had no idea manatees were seasonal.
