Sunday, March 27, 2011

Deception Pass State Park and lunch at Lake Sylvia (Trial trip part 1)

We started off our trial trip by crossing at the Peace Arch Border crossing and I was pleasantly surprised at how easy the crossing was. We have crossed the border with the truck camper in the past with no difficulty at all but I assumed the trailer would warrant further inspections. Other then the normal where are you from, where are you going questions they wanted to know about was prescription medications and food. Since it was our trial trip we basically left with minimal food from home and said we were going to buy food once we crossed and we went right through…they didn't even ask to open up the trailer??? I’m not complaining I was just surprised.

We headed to Haggens, stocked up the fridge and pantry. We parked near the back as to not take up the busy parking area as our 2 trailers were a bit of a space hog!

Then we were off to Deception Pass. We camped at Deception Pass with the truck camper in the fall for one night and really liked it so we thought we’d start on familiar ground, and just like the first time, it rained most of the time there but we still had a great time.

Since our trailers are 35 feet we had limited space available to us and had to be a couple campsites apart for the first night. Our neighbours were super nice and let us hook into their electric and water the first night and when they left the next day, our friends moved in and we got electric and water again…sweet since we weren’t expecting it! We have a Power House PH3100Ri Digital Inverter Generator which is pretty quiet, and without hook ups would have had to use it a bit in the cold damp weather here this time of the year.

Our site amoung the forest (for more campground pictures see campground reviews coming in the next day or two)

our site in the tall fir trees and the view looking up

We enjoyed morning walks in search of birds and mud puddles and other signs of spring.

Sierra looking for birds while enjoying a ride on daddy's shoulders

a little Robin...a sure sign of Spring, and Aayla jumping in mud puddles...another sure sign of Spring!

Pussy willows and Wild Currant flowers
After the wind subsided, we had a lot of fun playing on the beach, discovering abandoned forts, and winbreaks that were immediately turned into magical boats perfect for the adventures of 3 and 4 year olds

The beach was a bit windy at first

Sierra having fun in an abandoned fort

Only a short easterly walk from the main beach through the woods and past this view

Ian, Sierra, Aayla and me in front of the bridge

you then pass the amphitheater and arrive at north beach which unlike the main beach with all the sand, this beach is full of beautiful smooth rocks of all shapes and sizes which were all perfect for an afternoon of throwing.

And of course it’s not camping until the campfire is lit. The kidos all were busy collecting pine cones to feed the fire as they waiting for marshmallow time!

Ania and Max roasting marshmellows

After packing up which was pretty fast and easy we headed out on the road for Cape disappointment State Park. It’s a long drive, especially with little ones that have to stop for the washroom all at different times, or stopping to feed their baby we planned a stop at Sylvia Lake State Park for a late lunch break. We knew nothing about this park before arriving and got lucky that we could find a spot for both our trailers to fit. We didn’t stay long or take a good look around as there wasn't all that much of room for us.

Aayla of course found all the mud puddles and was in heaven jumping in them one point she even sat down. That girl sure loves to get messy!

Sierra on the other hand doesn't like to get dirty so she’s looking a little grumpy.
A few photos from around the park

trial trip Part 2...our time at Cape Disappointment coming soon


  1. What a wonferful opening trip!!! Your pictures are beautiful and the little girl in my relates to Aayla. I love to jump in puddles still. Am glad you found my blog so that I could find yours!!! Looking forward to your explorations.

  2. what a great first leg of your trip!!..we have been to both parks before and can't wait to read about your next stop!!
