Sunday, January 29, 2012

Pinterest plus RVing :)

I just read THIS post on Rick & Paulette's RV Travels about using

for RV'ing and I just had to share it! In between cleaning and sorting and preparing to sell our house I have been totally addicted to Pinterest. I how ever have only used it for craft items, recipes, earthship ideas, things for the home, natural living etc and never even thought of the RV possibilities.

How many countless blogs do I follow? How often do I loose a blog post that was very informative, or a great camping review, or a place you read about on a blog and want to go there next time you are in that area? I loose ideas all the time and Pinterest is a great way to save all those ideas and know how to easily find them again.

I highly recommend you go read Ricks post if you aren't familiar with Pinterest...but beware...pinning is addictive!

I quickly went and made new pinboards HERE and pinned all my campsite and boondocking reviews from our 4 month trip last summer and can see many more pinboards being added soon :)

Crossing our fingers

Our house didn't end up on MLS until last Wednesday and on Thursday we has 3 showings. Seven hours after the first showing we had an accepted offer!!! Now we cross our fingers that everything goes well with their financing and their subject removal so we can make this a done deal by February 6th. In the meantime we are left continuing to show the house for back up offers just in case...and crossing our fingers it could be so easy!

Here's our finished yellow door...I'm still not sure if I LOVE it but heck it's better then the blue.
You can click HERE if you'd like to go check out our listing and see our home. Any of you locals looking for furniture? Most everything you see in the pics will be sold.

So the sorting and selling continues...thank goodness for Craigslist as it sure makes selling thing easier :)

Monday, January 23, 2012

It's official...

Our house is officially on the market

Since Christmas we have been busy little leavers...

When we closed the store in September 2010 and sold the daycare we basically piled up everything in every nook and cranny in our house.

Spare bathroom:
Upstairs hallway

So in September 2011 after returning from our 4 month Maiden Voyage in our travel trailer, I stated unpacking and sorting and selling off all that stuff.

Remember when my living room looked like this

I am happy to say that by January we were able to move everything that was left into the garage and my living room now is back to normal again :)

And my hall even though the walls need a wash still is beginning to look like normal again.

After removing all the "stuff" from the spare bathroom, Ian tiled the floor. About 7 or 8 of the old tiles were all cracked and old and ugly looking so in a couple days we now have a beautiful new floor. It was on our to do list for a few years...funny how when we decide to sell we finally get around to actually doing the things we wanted to do for so long!
And the spare bathroom now looks like this

Even though we've had a cold streak here for the lower mainland BC we managed to get our front door paint this week finally. We took our inspiration for the front door colour from these Black Eyes Susan's in the fall against the freshly painted brown...the yellow was so pretty.
So yellow we went (One door at a time as it's snowy and cold right now so we had to remove the door and bring it inside to paint)...
To be honest I am not sure how I feel about the yellow now that it is's a bit brighter then expected. I'll try to get a daylight photo tomorrow and post in in a few days as I didn't take a picture when the door was finished.

So as you can see we've been busy...not just ignoring the blogs...just no time to sit down and play :) So we have a couple days before our listing actually shows up on MLS and then hopefully we will get some showings and have a quick sale! Until then...I'm off to wash walls!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome 2012!

This year brings lots of changes for us! We take on living another Year of Choice and are making lots of big choices and changes!

First though we hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We had an amazing 2011 with our 4 1/2 month trip touring the US and Canada. We made many memories and are looking forward to making many more in 2012.

We started off the new year with a yummy dinner inspired by Gordon Ramsey. We enjoyed a wonderful roast turkey dinner with lemon, parsley and garlic, roasted potatoes with chili and tumeric, and brussel sprouts. For desert we had Strawberry Margarita shots. I found the recipe HERE and they were sooo good! You can't taste the Tequila however they were quite potent as I put the left over jello mix in a container and when you ate it alone it was strong! The sweetness from the strawberry made them so yummy and you couldn't taste the Tequila at all. We will definitely make these again in the future!
With 2012 here now we are all set to live another year of choice! We look forward to it. We haven't set resolutions as usually they get broken. Instead we have decided to live our choices. We are embracing 2012 with all of it's possibilities! We are open to change and to all the hard work to get there.

January 1st means we have less then 4 months to clean up this chapter of our lives so we can move onto the next chapter. For some the changing of the years means cleaning and organizing...for us it means thinning out and getting rid of the majority of our belonging so we can hit the road in our RV again for a few years. During this time we will look for land and then take a few years to build our Earthship ourselves (so excited to be one step closer to our Earthship dream)!

Each day we will have to decide what is important enough to keep and what can we live without. We will chose to keep those things around us that mean the most, and let go of all those things we collect throughout our lives that we really don't need... you know all that "stuff" that piles up here and there and before you know it you have a room full of "stuff". We'll purge, we'll sell, we'll give away, we'll donate...we'll chose the life we want to live and go for it! It's amazing how powerful making choices can be!

Why 4 months? We have friends in Toronto who are getting married in April and we are choosing to sell off everything to be at their wedding and not have to come back here to tie up loose ends. So we have 2 weeks to get the house ready to sell and listed and then hopefully sold in time to allow us to be ready to leave and make it to the wedding on time and not look back! Celebrating a wedding seems like a grand way to embrace our choices and begin our next journey in life as well.

So with that...we wish you a year of choice, we wish you love when you least expect it and we wish you much happiness in the year to come! Happy New Year!!! with LOVE from all of us :)

We'd like to give big welcome wishes to Michael and Dee of gonerving and to Heinzrvjourney who are just beginning their choice of life in an RV as well. Welcome and thanks for joining us even though we are parked at the moment :) Glad to have you along as we start this next chapter in our lives.

I'd like to thank you all for following us this past year and hope you enjoy reading about our coming choices this year as well. Things have been sporadic around here since we have been "home" but there are many more journey's to come and we'd love you all to join us!